It has been refined over the course of history, and is still decorated with the breath of artisans today. We aim to sublimate these skills and knowledge, and to create a "KAIKA" of universal beauty.
We believe that the old is better than the new, and this is exactly what we are trying to achieve with our products The old is not the new, but the new is the new material.
AI chatで素材の使い方を相談できます。
You can consult on how to use materials in an AI chat.
3Dバーチャル空間でお好みの”Material”と空間づくりを行えます。 先ずはこちらで大まかな雰囲気を捉えて頂けると幸いです。
The 3D virtual space allows you to create a space with the material of your choice. We hope this will give you a rough idea of what to expect.
事業者の情報や特徴、その他情報が掲載されています。 京都を代表し、これからを創る事業者を紹介いたします。
Here you will find information about the businesses, their characteristics and other information. We would like to introduce you to some of Kyoto's leading and most promising businesses.